If you’re at all interested in my writing, storytelling, or just the beauty and value of humanity in general, I think you might be interested in this. I had the privilege of being part of a documentary called The Hearts of Men, which will see a limited release later this year.Read More
Which Stories Mean the Most to You?
Why do we tell stories? Why do I write stories? Wouldn’t it just have been easier to write a book about love, God and forgiveness than to write a book like The Shack? Isn’t it easier for all of us to just shout our beliefs at each other instead ofRead More
How to Actually Help People Who Are Hurting
In the years since writing The Shack, it’s been an honor for me to see which parts of it move and inspire people the most. I’ve noticed a few quotes seem to especially resound with readers, and I thought it might be helpful for me to unpack a few of those moments aRead More
What Does Submission Really Mean?
In the years since writing The Shack, it’s been an honor for me to see which parts of it move and inspire people the most. I’ve noticed a few quotes seem to especially resound with readers, and I thought it might be helpful for me to unpack a few of those momentsRead More