It’s an honor to be interviewed. Anytime someone expresses enough interest to ask good questions it almost always ends up with something unexpected and wonderful.
I won’t be sharing every single interview, I thought you might enjoy this one. I was happy to call in and chat with a local radio station here in Portland, the city I call home, my radio listening is mostly two stations, NPR and KINK-FM. This interview was with the latter and while our conversation revolved around a lot of things, it largely was about loss, and how God meets us in the midst of our loss.
And now, I’d like to interview you, and ask you a couple questions.
Why do you think so many people are afraid of asking real questions?
What questions do you feel like you haven’t been allowed to ask?
I’d love to hear your responses in the comment section below. (And be sure to give your email at the bottom of this page, if you haven’t already, so we can keep you up to date on our unfolding conversations.)