If you know me at all, you know how important story is to me. I don’t think we have stories. I think we are stories, and we’re stories that I believe will all be told. I’ve told a lot of stories, and I am grateful those who have listened to them.
But one part of my story I’ve not brought to this conversation on this site is my own: My story of being raised by missionaries, and how that has impacted who I am—both the good and the bad.
That’s a story I tell in the video below. While there is freedom in telling our stories, there’s also something healing about hearing the stories of others.
I hope that sharing mine here will an encouragement to others, some who may have grown up with some of the same challenges that I faced.
Since this is a week for grateful hearts and words, thank you for continuing to join me in this experiment to create more conversation online. Your thoughts and comments are valuable, and I’m grateful for your sharing them here. Joyful Thanksgiving!